American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Building Healthy Partnerships with Churches


This past Sunday, Jeff Johnson spent the morning and early afternoon with Pastor Marty von Harten and the folks of Calvary Baptist, Allentown. Jeff attended one of their adult classes which uses "The Wired Word" online Sunday School curriculum. Each lesson takes an item from the news the week before and examines it in light of the Bible and our faith. He preached the morning message, giving an invitation for people to come forward for a need in their own life or one in the life of someone they care about. The front of the church was filled.

A light lunch was served, and then Jeff did a co::lab presentation so as to educate the whole congregation in what the church had committed to. At the end of the session, several people came to the pastor and offered to be on the larger, church-based team. It was exciting!

Jeff went to the church, as well, to thank them for their generous giving to missions across the board, here at home and abroad, not the least of which is the America For Christ offering and Partners In Ministry, both which support ministry right here in our ABCOPAD region.

Categories: Ministries ~ Date: 3/18/2015
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