American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

East Mahoning Baptist Church Worship


Jeff Johnson spent the better part of Sunday; both morning into the midafternoon at the East Mahoning Baptist Church. Rev. Jim Pearson is the interim pastor. Jeff attended Sunday School. Then during the morning worship service, presided over communion, presented impromptu children's lesson, and also provided the morning message.


An invitation at the end of the service saw the front of the church filled with folks literally on their knees seeking the Lord.

After the service, everyone went to the basement fellowship hall for share a WONDERFUL homemade soup and sandwich buffet.



Following the meal, Jeff met with folks from the congregation about their ongoing time of transition from a pastor of nearly two decades to a new pastor who they are now seeking. After the time with the congregation, Jeff met with just the search committee members to discuss the ongoing search process.

East Mahoning has been and continues to be a great partner in ministry on several levels of our region's life. They generously support our Partners in Ministry offering. They have been on mission trips, and have provided ABWomen leadership with the former coordinator of missions and service and their new communications director and conference registrar Jodie Vasbinder coming from out of the congregation, and also the President of our region's ABGirls. A very active church in East Mahoning Township and our region!


Categories: Region Life ~ Date: 1/9/2017
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