American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

FBC Emporium Farewell

On Sunday, Jeff and Karen represented the ABCOPAD family at the farewell service and luncheon for Pastor Andy Johnson and his family. Pastor Andy has served as the interim at the First Baptist Church of Emporium for the past three years. He has accepted a call to a church in New York State. Pastor Andy's last sermon focused on the potter and the clay. He encouraged the church folks to stay on the wheel, a phrase he repeated several times and had the congregation do the same.


After Pastor Andy symbolically and spiritually released the church to eventual new pastor, and had the leadership release him to his new ministry, Jeff was asked to pray a blessing over Pastor Andy and the church.


A wonderful meal was served in the basement. The area, as was the cake, were decorated in New England Patriot colors. Special music and words of gratitude were shared by many folks. 



After the appreciation wrapped up, Jeff met with a good number of the congregation, leadership and laity, to discuss 'what now?" Next steps for the securement of an interim were covered that our Kevin Walden will facilitate, and discussion of the eventual search for a new pastor occurred, a process Jeff will facilitate.



Categories: Region Life ~ Date: 8/17/2016
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