American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

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MMS Reporting from Louisiana #5

Mark Mahserjian-Smith writes:

Late yesterday afternoon Pastor Tim and I stopped by Ross Elementary School in Dickinson. We met with School Principal Kelly Mooney, Assistant Principal, Georgina Benavides and School Counselor Jennifer McCaffrey to explore ways we might be able to help.


Pastor Tim is the president of the PTA at John Adams Elementary School in Scranton and the Principal of John Adams Elementary, Mario Emiliani would like to have his School partner with Ross Elementary to help in whatever ways they can.

Principal Kelly shared how Ross Elementary is trying to care for the needs of their students with about half the students impacted by the flood. Many students had their homes destroyed and are now living with relatives and friends far from school. These students need to be driven to school by their parents who are attempting to maintain some stability for these kids whose lives have been turned upside down by Harvey. The school has been accepting donations of gas cards and giving them to parents to offset the cost of transportation even as these parents start the costly process of rebuilding their houses. 

Principal Kelly also told us literacy is a priority at the school and many of these kids lost their reading books in the flood. She hopes people will donate reading books to give to students so they can continue to learn to read.

Finally both Kelly and Georgina said the school is planning a Family Fun Fest at the end of October where kids and their families could come to school for a fun night could. Kids could come in costume, play games and receive treats. It is currently not safe for kids to be trick or treating with so much debris piles up on the street. The hope is the school will receive donations of gift cards so they can purchase the supplies they need. Principal Mario is excited about the partnership but he recognizes his own School is struggling financially.

We will be looking for ways to partner with Pastor Tim and both schools to assist. Kelly , Georgina and Jennifer kept saying how much they appreciated our presence. After a very challenging four weeks and what has been a challenging year, she said just knowing there are people offering to help makes a huge difference. The encouragement and support touched their hearts.

Please keep Ross Elementary, its staff and students in your prayers. Many children are struggling with depression and sadness having lost so much following Hurricane Harvey.


Categories: Ministries, General ~ Date: 10/2/2017
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