American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

VBS Walkchalk Salem Baptist Church


Rev. Chuck Layne from the Walkchalk Salem Baptist Church near Kittanning, PA, sent this message and lots of photos taken during their recent Vacation Bible School.




They used the Mighty Fortress VBS curriculum, and held it in June 4-8 with a closing program on the 9th. They had an average of 17 students each night.

A little explanation of the photo of me with sword & shield: I was a little bit in character with sword & shield. The paper strands are my chain mail armor (imagination required).  

We received offerings throughout the week for Operation Christmas Child Shoebox postage & a World Vision fresh water well project being sponsored by our children's Sunday School classes. So each night, I would add new links to my armor for every dollar received. I ended up with over 320 links! Which kept getting trickier to get into each night. I also did not have a helmet to wear, so I resorted to other silly hats from previous Bible Schools.


A good VBS that reached the children in our church and others from our communities.

Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 7/1/2017
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