Who We Are
In 1703 the American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania became a part of America's oldest American Baptist organization, the Philadelphia Baptist Association. In 1972 the American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware (ABCOPAD) was formed as the successor of the Pennsylvania Baptist Convention. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Associations were separate Regions. As of October 2005, the Pittsburgh Baptist Association and ABCOPAD have merged in ministry together.
- Total operating receipts: Approx. $973, 916
- Mission receipts: Approx. $1,288,101
- Total Membership: Approx. 47,251
- Number of Churches: 281
- Number of Associations: 21

Note: Philadelphia Baptist Association
is an independent Region not a part of ABCOPAD
Map of Association Churches
- The region is a mix of rural, suburban and urban communities. The distribution of our churches is approximately 40% urban, 47% suburban, 13% rural
- Of our 281 churches, 218 are Euro-American; 45 are African American; 2 are Hispanic; 1 is Asian-Pacific and 15 are Multi-Racial
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