Camp Swatara
Revisiting An Old Friend

For many years ABCOPAD has enjoyed a partnership with Camp Swatara. Owned and operated by the Church of the Brethren, Camp Swatara has been welcoming youth from American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware for a very long time.
At its peak, ABCOPAD sent as many as 400 youth each summer to the camp. Unfortunately, there has been a steady decline over the years. Last year only 25 youth attended camp from ABCOPAD churches. As a region, we are beginning to rediscover this partnership. Under the leadership of Art Munson, our representative to the Camp Swatara Board, Swatara's camping ministry is once again being actively promoted in the region. Swatara has much to offer, including:
- Excellent facility with comfortable cabins
- Large air-conditioned meeting rooms
- Up-to-date kitchen and dining areas
- Spacious swimming pool
- Miniature golf course
- Well-stocked lake offering terrific fishing
- Climbing tower, high and low ropes course
- Miles of hiking trails which connect to the Appalachian National Scenic Trail.

Campers who attend Camp Swatara from an ABCOPAD church receive a discount price. It is our hope that many this year will chose to take advantage of this excellent ministry.
Visit the Camp Swatara web site for schedule, registration information and details.