Getting Started With Live-Streaming

Getting Started With Live Streaming
Hello Partners In Ministry. I have received quite a few messages from ABCOPADers asking questions about how to live-stream services. There are a number of very good free options currently available for local churches. Below is a link describing those options.…/livestream-church-ser…/
The fact is, ABCOPAD has been using Facebook Live, Youtube and Zoom for quite some time, so we have experience and stand ready to help. This past Sunday some of our local churches used Facebook Live while others used Youtube or a third party vendor so we have church leaders who can also assist with each of those platforms. We have created a new Facebook Group called ABCOPAD Responds To COVID-19 Epidemic to be a resource and a place to find information and help.
If your church or a congregational leader has a Facebook account, live streaming over Facebook is pretty simple. From your cell phone, bring up the church's Facebook account and in the place you would normally create a post, select "Live." Click on the icon that looks like a movie camera. In just a few more clicks you are now live streaming. You can do this from a laptop as well using your webcam and microphone. If your church does not have a Facebook account it is easy to set one up. Someone with a Facebook account in your church can quickly set up a "Fan Page" for your congregation. It probably takes less than 30 minutes. I would recommend getting approval by your church board before setting up the account. It is good to have a few administrators on the account to monitor posts and contribute. Having 4-6 pictures is also helpful. Across the Facebook menu banner on the right of the search window you will find a tab called “Create”. Select “Page” and follow the instructions. In no time at all, you will have a Facebook page for your church. You can then use the pictures FB Page banner and to create the first couple of posts on your new page.
A few people have said they do not have the internet at their church. In my mind, if your church is canceling services a pastoral leader or worship leader could broadcast their message from home. This past Sunday, Pastor CG Coats (Lower Providence Baptist Church) and Pastor Jillian Hankamer (FBC Lewisburg) both used Facebook Live and did their adapted worship service from home. All that to say, broadcast from a place with a good internet connection. Also, do some testing before Sunday. Set up your equipment and do a test, inviting a small group to participate in your test and provide feedback. Pastor Scott Jones (Franklin Union Baptist Church) did a midweek Lenten Prayer and Devotional live-stream with a small group prior to the big reveal on Sunday. If you are using a cell phone as your camera, you might try mounting it to a tripod (pretty cheap on Amazon who will deliver it to your door). Have the camera close enough to provide a good image and good audio quality. When you have completed your broadcast, you can save your video so others can view it later, should they not be available during the actual broadcast. This is a great time to get creative. Let your church family know we are trying something different. Time to be bold and step out in faith. Let us know how we can help. Join our new Facebook group and ask questions. Know your Regional Staff stand ready to help. Blessings. Mark