The Craig W. Martin Excellence in Ministry Awards

Seeking Nominations for 2022 Ministry Awards
The ABCOPAD Ministers Council presents two Craig W. Martin EXCELLENCE IN MINISTRY awards at the Pastors’ Banquet each year at Biennial. The first award is for those who have been in ministry less than 10 years. The second award is for those who have been in ministry longer than 10 years.
We want encourage all churches to be aware of this award and encourage submissions for pastors. To receive the award the minister must be a member of The Ministers Council.
If there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy praise, think about these things…Philippians 4:8
The Ministers Council of the American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware (ABCOPAD) recognizes two professional church leaders who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in his/her place of ministry. The awards are presented at the Pastors’ Banquet during Biennial. The date of the banquet is September 15th, 2022.
Any member of the ABCOPAD Ministers Council serving a church in a vocational capacity is eligible: Senior Pastors, Associate Pastors, Ministers of Christian Education, Music or Youth. Ministerial leaders serving in specialized ministries outside the local church are also eligible for consideration.
The recipient of this award will be evaluated in seven major areas: preaching and worship, evangelism and church growth, social and community ministry, leadership development, educational programs, pastoral care and stewardship emphasis. Please be specific how your pastor has worked in these areas.
Nominations for the church leadership awards may be submitted by a church moderator, church boards or committees, church members, pastoral relations committee, or ministerial colleagues.
Please send nominations to Pastor Deborah Loessy, Treasurer – ABCOPAD Ministers Council, 201 Edgebrook Drive, Roaring Brook Township, PA 18444 no later than July 15th, 2022. Please note if you are nominating a pastor, they must be a current member of ABCOPAD Ministers council. If you have any questions, please call 570-335-7358 or email
DOWNLOAD: Excellence in Ministry Nomination Form 2022
Excellence In Ministry Nomination Form 2022.docx