American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Let Your Light Shine


Wesleyville Baptist Church [Erie, PA] recently installed a beautiful new cross on its exterior.

Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 10/31/2020
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Lifting Up Their Horns


In the midst of Covid restrictions, Liberty Baptist Church in Blanchard PA, showed their appreciation for their pastor, Chris Davis, during Pastor Appreciation Month, with a parade! Seems the congregation decided to lift up their 'horns' high (Isaiah 58:1a) !

Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 10/30/2020
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Welcome Pastor Stan



Logan’s Valley Baptist Church welcomed their new pastor, Rev. Stan Gill. The church family recently held an installation service that included special music from (who else?) their new pastor and his wife Susan!

Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 10/24/2020
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McKees "ROCKS!"


A free concert at the First Baptist Church of McKees Rocks featured Randy and Marli Ministries performing. Randy and Marli are extraordinary singers and Randy is a true artist on the keyboard. It was a fun evening of worship and praise, singing and listening to amazing music.

Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 10/24/2020
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Welcome Pastor David



Pastor David Brunner recently accepted the call to become the Senior Pastor at the Springfield Baptist Church. David, his wife and their three children accepted the call after serving in Arizona.

Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 10/24/2020
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Welcome Pastor Tim


It was easy to feel the joy in the sanctuary as the Penn Hills Baptist Church near Pittsburgh officially welcomed their new minister, Rev. Tim Williams. Pastor Tim started his ministry at the church a little over one month ago, with the installation service being held October 25.
Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 10/24/2020
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Pastor Deb Marker CLM


Kudos to Pastor Deb Marker who received her permanent Certified Lay Minister certificate at a celebration held at the Hughesville Baptist Church where she serves as Pastor.

Categories: General, Region Life ~ Date: 10/4/2020
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