American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware

ABCOPAD Life! Blog

Ordination Service: Rev. Leslie Turley




On Sunday, Jeff Johnson attended the Ordination Service for Leslie Turley. For twenty years she and her husband were IM Missionaries to Okinawa. They have returned for home assignment. Leslie, began on July 1, her work as our IM Area Director of Southeast Asia and Japan. Jeff brought greetings and congrats from ordained clergy in general and all ABCOPAD and ABCUSA in particular. Jeff also provided The Charge. Leslie and her family will be moving from West Virginia to ABCOPAD over the summer and become part of our regional family. 


Categories: Region Life ~ Date: 7/13/2015
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July Haiti Mission Volunteer


Rev. Kelly Legg, Pastor at First Baptist Church of Norristown, leads a great team of volunteers in Haiti. Hard work and Hot weather! But servant hands are blessing so many men and women, boys and girls.  Building homes... Building friendships... Building hope... Building faith... Building a future...


You can check out more photos HERE


Categories: General, Ministries, Region Life ~ Date: 7/6/2015
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