Cooperating Church Annual Reports

Hard copies of the 2024 Cooperating Church Annual Reports have been to mailed to each church. You can fill that out and return it to the ABCOPAD office. Or, if you prefer, you can also fill it out online. ABC/USA has moved to a different database so the process will be slightly different but it is still user friendly.
- ABC/USA will send you an invitation to set up an account that will give you access to the database. Please share this with the person who will fill out your Annual Report. The email will be from and the subject line will say Welcome to American Baptist Churches in the USA.
- The default email to use when setting up your account is the email where this message was sent. If you would like to change that, contact
- Below are step-by-step instructions to set up an account and to enter your Annual Report online.
Directions on How to Fill Out Your Annual Report Online
If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to contact
Denise Veselicky / 1-888-687-0883